Snowman Fillable Plastic Ornaments DIY

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This handmade snowman Christmas ornament is fun and easy for the kids to make using clear plastic ball fillable ornaments.

Handmade snowman Christmas ornament using clear plastic ball fillable ornament filled with white Styrofoam balls, with painted face, ribbon bow, and pom pom and pie cleaner ear muffs.

There’s something truly special about homemade Christmas ornaments, especially those made by our children. Not only do homemade ornaments look pretty on the tree, but making them creates wonderful memories. These easy to make snowman Christmas ornaments are the perfect holiday craft for the kids, especially while everyone is stuck inside on snowy winter days.

While it may seem like the material list is long, these cute homemade ornaments really are easy to make. Kids of all ages can help make these snowman Christmas ornaments. Make several to go on your tree or make them for relatives. What grandmother wouldn’t love getting one of these homemade ornaments from their grandbabies for Christmas?

This is also an excellent ornament for teachers to make with their students. Each child can make an ornament to take home to their parents. You could even have the children use a permanent marker to write the year on the back so that it will make a nice keepsake for their families for years to come.

Orange and black plaint, red and black ribbon, clear plastic ball fillable ornament, scissors, pie cleaners, pom poms, mini glue gun, paint brush, tiny white styrofoam balls that look like snow.

Snowman Ornament Supplies:

How to Make Snowman Ornaments:

This handmade snowman Christmas ornament is fun and easy for the kids to make using clear plastic ball fillable ornaments.

Remove the top of the ornament and fill with the fake snow. Place the lid back onto the ornament when you are done.

Orange triangle nose, round black eyes and black dot mouth painted on homemade snowman ornament.

Paint two black circles to make the snowman’s eyes and several small black circles to make his coal mouth. Then, use orange paint to give the snowman a nose in between the eyes and mouth you just made.

Ear muffs on top of ball ornament made from pie cleaners and pom poms.

Once the paint has dried, use hot glue or craft glue to attach two pom poms to the ornament, one on either side of the snowman’s head. These will become the snowman’s earmuffs.

Next, twist together two pipe cleaners, thread them through the loop of the top of the ornament and then cut them to size where they should end just behind the pom poms. Then, glue the pipe cleaners behind the pom poms.

Red and black checkered ribbon bow glued under mouth.

Then, tie a piece of ribbon into a bow and glue it to the bottom of the snowman ornament.

Completed clear Christmas ball snowman ornament.

Finally, cut a piece of twine and tie it to the top of the snowman ornament to use as a hanger. That’s it, your snowman ornament is finished!

I hope that you enjoyed this easy snowman ornament craft and that you have a very Merry Christmas!

For more fun Christmas ornaments check out:


Handmade snowman Christmas ornament kids craft - a fun and easy for the kids to make using clear plastic ball fillable ornaments.


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  1. Omg this is adorable! I’m gonna make this with my little guy! So cute! Taking notes! Merry Christmas!

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